Patricia Walter is a Musician, Poet and Artist. She has several websites featuring her work. She has created hundreds of poems and paintings. She often combines the two to present the best of both. You can read a selection of her poetry at A Poet’s Corner.
Music has always been a large part of her life. In 2020 she bought a new accordion and started playing again. She has made 406 videos which are also available on her website: https://accordionplayerpat.com or her YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@PianoandAccordionPlayerPat
Pat has returned to playing mostly piano and keyboard due to back problems. Accordions are heavy! LOL She continues to add to her YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@PianoandAccordionPlayerPat
She has a website featuring her piano music. https://pianoplayerpat.com/
Dogs have always been a part of Patricia’s life and she has helped design and maintain websites for rescue groups. She has also gained a doggie family along the way since some of the rescued dogs could not find homes. You can read all about her dogs at Pat’s Dogs. Patricia has also written a number of Dog Stories and poems featured at A Poets Corner.
Patricia is an early Baby Boomer and at 61 needed a new hip. While she was searching the internet and learning about hip replacement, she gathered a great deal of useful information that she wanted to share with other people needing hip replacement. Patricia was lucky and was able to have a Hip Resurfacing which is an FDA approved procedure that conserves the femur bone. Patricia Did not have insurance and could not afford a hip replacement in the US in 2006, so she went to Belgium. Dr. De Smet was and still is one of the most experienced hip resurfacing surgeons in the world. Back then the cash price for hospital and doctor in Belgium was about $6000 compared to $30,000 + in the US. She wrote a book about her adventure and Birmingham Hip Resurfacing. It is available as a free download called BELGIUM AND MY BHR.

About Patricia's Websites

Surface Hippy https://surfacehippy.info is Patricia’s largest website. She developed the website in 2005 just before hip hip resurfacing. She wanted to share information about hip resurfacing since very few surgeons were offering the option. Surface Hippy continued to grow and is one of the largest patient information websites. It features a discussion group about hip resurfacing.
Pat has returned to playing mostly piano and keyboard due to back problems. Accordions are heavy! LOL She continues to add to her YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@PianoandAccordionPlayerPat
She has a website featuring her piano music. https://pianoplayerpat.com/
I am not a professional accordionist, I am just an oldster having fun with old music. I hope to bring a smile to a few faces. I have made over 274 videos on my YouTube Channel
I played accordion most of my life. Started in 1951 when I was 6 years old. During the 80’s and 90’s, my ex and I played as a duo known as the Good Time Two. We parted ways in 2008 and I did not play much after that.
Then several years ago I bought a Roland FR 4X Digital Accordion, which I love. Also have purchased a couple acoustic accordions since they are fun to play too. I hope you enjoy my music.

The Six Dog Studio was my original website I developed in 1999. It featured many of my paintings and photos. Since then, I have written a large number of poems about animals, cats, dogs, friends, love, life and nature. So I developed A Poet’s Corner to feature all my work. I became an artist when I was fifty years old and painted about 450 paintings. Each painting seemed to be telling me a story, so I started to write poetry about the paintings.